Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Majority Minoratives...

This morning was the same as any other - Shower, Shave, Tim Hortons then to work. In fact, it was so unusually normal that I even had time for my morning smoke and read without a single issue presenting itself.

Then - It Happened.

Not one but two people from my workplace (the ship, of course) came up to me and said that the new polling numbers came out and they didn't look too good for the Conservatives. I put my smoke out and went to check the news online. Sure enough it was there. After digging a little deeper though I found out that there were a few other polls out - and they showed drastically different figures. I began to question how it was possible for one poll to show the Conservatives with only a 6 point lead and another to show a 12 point lead. Even the margins of error couldn't explain it. Then it struck me - The Polls are innacurate as they are in any election. The most reliable source of polling information, in my opinion, is the UBC Election Stock Market. It showed little difference from my last viewing the night before. Odd.

Then around lunch I hear the Supreme Court Of Canada is going to hear a case of a woman who was paralysed by a drunk driver. Read the story here. What I don't understand is how a homeowner is responsible for the actions of this particular driver. In fact, if the SCOC is bold enough to side with this woman, I don't think I'll have any more house parties - EVER. Now, you might be asking yourself, "Doesn't this apply to bars?". Yes it does. Let me tell you why:

A licensed establishment is just that - Licensed. Part of being in the BUSINESS of alcohol distribution is an inherent duty to ensure your consumers are being practical and not getting smashed and driving home. Prudence, certainly in business, demands that you at the very least attempt to ensure your clients aren't intoxicated. The LAW also says that people cannot be served if they are clearly intoxicated.

A homeowner however isn't in the BUSINESS of selling alcohol. In fact, most people nowadays host BYOB events where people bring thier own stash of booze to get faced with. My question to the SCOC is this:

"How can an individual be held responsible for the consumption of alcohol that they didn't supply, purchase or distribute?"


Imagine this scenario: I have people over for a BYOB event - let's say the Grey Cup or Stanley Cup Playoffs. People show up with cases of beer and bottles of booze they have purchased. Being somewhat intelligent I buy disposable cups they can use so I don't have to do dishes the following day. The game runs on and people continue to drink. At the end of the evening I call those who drove taxis and ensure those who spend the night have a place to sleep. I collect car keys from those too drunk to drive. One person goes to sleep (as do I) but wakes up two hours later and decides to drive home. They do so, and plow into another car on the way home.

In the opinion of this woman - *I* am responsible. Why? Well it must be because I supplied the cups for the booze, the electricity for the fridge and the salted munchies that made people drink more. To prison I go.

Anyone else see the problem here? I'll tell you what is going on here. This woman collected insurance money from the person who actually did the driving and that individual is now bankrupt. More money options needed to be opened, so she went after the next person in line who could, under our glorious system, possibly be responsible as well.

This may be oversimplifying things - but it really just goes to show how absolutely ridiculous our system has become.

It also goes to show how money hungry people really are sometimes.

To the crew of HMCS Calgary - Happy sailing folks, see you soon.


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