Monday, December 19, 2005

24 Marathon complete?

I just sat through 13 straight episodes of 24 Season 4. After filling up on McDonald's around 1 in the afternoon, we managed to last until 2330. I would strongly recommend never attempting anything of this sort. Let me tell you why:

1. I can't actually remember what happened in which episode;
2. If you've seen Season Four you'll understand that I am not really sure how it's different from Season Three Re: Characters
3. I can't remember any names - or if I do they're dead
4. McDonald's was a bad choice

I contemplated drinking to stave off the "glossy eyed" effect. Though I'm sure I wouldn't remember anything past the fifth or sixth episode. My spine never seemed fully capable of adjusting to any position I was sitting/lying/crouching in. I hurt all over.

All in all, it is a pretty good season, though after watching three others it becomes readily apparent very early on that the initial "crisis" is nothing more than icing on a VERY multi-layered cake. Quite frankly, if i had to work in such a deceptive workplace I'd probably have gone bananas.

I'm still waiting for the return of Nina... they just have to resurrect her somehow.


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