Anonymous Bitch #256 writes in her comments via MSN:
AB256 says:
It's just really weird, that some of the stuff you typed in it, I was screaming at my television...
(Me)The new debate format sucks says:
I fell asleep at one point
AB256 says:
It needed something...Debate pretty much.
AB256 says:
Did you count the number of Ed Broadbent references? GEEZ Jack is canned.
The new debate format sucks says:
Yeah that little twerp drives me crazy
AB256 says:
and I was saying earlier, Gilles is just in the wrong party
he is a charismatic speaker...
if he were a Tory, I dunno, the CPoC just needs some french people like him
if he were part of the mainstream, I think he would be a force to be reckoned with.
AB256 resides in Calgary, Alberta and has graciously allowed me to use her comments in my blog. Hopefully more guest comments will be added in the future.
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