Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Quick Note (and some disturbing numbers)

Fear not readers - More posts will be coming up in the near future. I've been working on a few using good old Microsoft Word. A couple are nearing completion. Of course, with the Liberal Leadership Convention coming up, there will be a post or two about that too.

On an unrelated tangent, a question was recently posed at "Weekly Rib Nights" at Montana's. Is it possible for 15 people per night to celebrate their birthdays at one restaurant?

I did some number crunching and it basically means that fully 3% of the birthday celebrating public goes to Montana's. I'm not a statistical whiz or anything, but that seems quite high. Any input on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Incidentally, did you know that Montana's is owned by the Cara Group? Yes, the same Cara that makes airline food (or did I daresay). They also own Kelsey's, Milestones, The Second Cup, Swiss Chalet and Harveys. Quite the array of places. Though admittedly, I always thought Swiss Chalet was an American company.

Cara is, of course, 100% Canadian owned (privately owned too). Look! More random stupid information I've picked up.

'Till next time!


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